The first page number from the range of pages to extract text from The number of the single page to extract text from Specifies how many pages to extract: All pages, a single page or a range of pages
Enter a file path, a variable containing a file or a text path Under the advanced action properties you can define a password in case the PDF file is protected and if the engine should optimize for structured data or not. In the action properties you can define the source PDF file and the pages that text should be extracted from. You can extract text from a PDF file by using the 'Extract text from PDF' action. The following example selects a combination of specific pages and a range of pages. This functionality minimizes the risk of accidentally omitting a real table.Īpart from extracting information from PDF files, you can create a new PDF document from an existing file using the Extract PDF file pages to new PDF file action. The library behind the action occasionally extracts additional PDF data that aren't tables.The Extract tables from PDF action doesn't use Optical Character Recognition (OCR), so you can't extract non-copyable text from scanned PDFs.